A place for your child to learn and grow holistically, our Elementary program is for children ages 6 to 12.
Understanding the Big Picture
All of the Elementary lessons fit into great Stories told about the history of the universe. Everything the students learn - whether math, earth science, handwriting, or physics - fits like a puzzle piece into a big picture understanding of the world.
Social Emotional Learning
Developing empathy and the ability to cooperate with others takes time and the support of compassionate adults. Our teachers give students the tools to problem solve and develop healthy emotions.
Project-based Work
Each day, students dive into study around topics they are most interested in and develop their own projects - everything from building models to writing books - in order to display their knowledge. through the teacher’s assistance, they develop the tools to research and learn independently.
The World as a Classroom
Not only do Elementary students help care for their classroom as they learned to do in Primary, but they also use their academic skills in the wider world. Elementary students, with the support of a teacher, make the phone calls, calculations, and plans to organize their own field trips.
Outdoor Classroom
All children need large blocks of time for running, climbing, and simply being kids. Our natural play garden provides a retreat in the city for lots of joyful fun.