A welcoming place for your youngest child, our Primary program is for children ages 3 to 6.
Uninterrupted work
Each morning the Primary children create artwork, build and construct, learn about other countries, work one-on-one with a teacher to develop academic skills, and help to care for their classroom.
Making snacks
The children often help to prepare their morning snack by peeling edamame, slicing apples or cucumber, spreading hummus or jelly, making orange juice, and cutting bananas
Community lunch
All snacks are provided by HPM. Lunches are not provided, however. We ask that you send a healthy, nut-free lunch with your child each day.
Children eat their lunch together with their teachers and learn the art of kind conversation and sharing a meal together.
Outdoor play in all kinds of weather
Childhood means splashing in puddles, climbing trees, digging in the mud, and getting a face-to-face experience of all that our natural world has to offer.
Quiet afternoons
Afternoons are a time for naps (children ages 3 and 4) and quiet reading aloud (children over age 4). The older children spend more individual time with their teacher digging deeper into academic skills like reading and math.